Why do I need cookies enabled?

Unfortunately the browser you are using is rejecting cookies which will prevent you from doing some critical things on the Scootech website like login to your account and purchace items from our on-line shop.

We strongly recommend you enable cookies in your browser. If you have cookies enabled, you may have javascript disabled and need to enable javascript.

What to do to enable Cookies on your browser;
If your browser asks you to accept cookies, choose "accept" or "continue."

If point the above doesn't work, you'll need to change your browser settings as follows:

If you're using Internet Explorer:

If you want to explicitly state which cookies you want to allow;
i. Choose Tools, then Internet Options
ii. Click on the ‘Edit’ button
iii. Type ‘www.scootech.co.uk’ into the field marked ‘Address of the website’
iv. Click ‘Allow’
v. Then select ‘OK’, followed by ‘OK’ on the remaining screen.

To accept cookies from all sites;
i. Choose Tools, then Internet Options
ii. Click the Privacy tab, to move the slider to allow.

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If you're using Firefox Browser:

If your browser asks you to accept cookies, choose "accept" or "continue."

If point the above doesn't work, you'll need to change your browser settings as follows:

If you want to explicitly state which cookies you want to allow in firefox;
i. Choose ‘Tools ’ ‘Options’,
ii. Click on the ‘Privacy’ tab
iii. Click on ‘cookie exceptions’
iv. Add ‘ www.scootech.co.uk’ to the field that reads ‘address of website
v. Save changes by clicking Ok

To accept cookies from all sites on Firefox;
i. Choose ‘Tools’, ‘Options’,
ii. Click on the ‘Privacy’ tab
iii. Click on ‘show cookies’
iv. Check the ‘Enable cookies Accept cookies normally’ checkboxes.
v. Save changes by clicking Ok


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If you are still experiencing problems on our site and you have ‘enabled cookies’ you may have JavaScript disabled on your browser.

Enable JavaScript if you are using Internet Explorer:

To enable JavaScript please follow the instructions below;
i. Open Internet Explorer.
ii. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options
iii. On the Security tab, click Internet
iv. Click Custom Level
v. Scroll down to Active scripting
vi. Click Enable
vii. Click OK
viii. Click Yes
ix. Click OK

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Enable JavaScript if you are using Firefox:

To enable JavaScript please follow the instructions below;
i. Open Firefox.
ii. n the Tools menu, click Options.
iii. Click on the Content icon.
iv. Check the box next to Enable JavaScript.
v. Click OK.